Well hey, great to meet you!
So I suppose you may be wondering, who the hell am I?
Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dr George Forgan-Smith a board-certified GP with a specialty interest in sexual health and helping people get the absolute most out of their sexual joy.
When I'm not home working in Melbourne and Sydney, I love to travel teaching sex and sexual health at kink, fetish and educational meetings.

The above picture was taken at CLAW (Cleveland Leather Appreciation Week) 2023 where I held my "Ass Class" teaching folks how to get the maximum pleasure and fun from their anal exploration.
With regards to training, I am member of the College of GP's, and the Australian Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM).
I'm trained in: men's health, sexual health, mental health. I am able to offer care for people living with HIV as well as people wanting to prevent HIV infections. (PrEP)
My passion areas are helping people get the best out of their sex lives and being able to provide this care in a non-judgmental way: I see so many people who have been treated poorly by other doctors. I guess because it's my passion, I find that I relate well to my clients.
By the way, if you would like to have a face-to-face appointment, my office is based in Melbourne at Collins Street Medical Centre:
I also work in Sydney each fortnight at Holdsworth House but I recommend you book early as those slots tend to fill up fast:
Of course, telehealth is available, keeping in mind that I can only provide medical care for people visiting or living in Australia.
If you would like to ask me a question you are absolutely welcome to send me an email and I will do my best for you. You can contact me via email: drgeorge (at) painfreeanal.com